Many of today's companies do not have the time or resources to audit their utility bills, leaving them vulnerable to errors and overcharges.  Hidden costs, charges for non-existing services, and complex billing codes could be increasing your
monthly utility bill every month.  URS, Inc. will perform a thorough review of all of your company’s
utility bills.  The majority of our work is performed off-site in our offices, minimizing your company time.

With our expertise in utility auditing and our own company developed software, we can audit utility bills for any company in any state.  Our audit procedure of your company invoices will

  • Invoice Accuracy
  • Incorrect meter readings
  • Faulty meters
  • Redundant billing charges
  • Evaluation of line charges
  • Usage charges
  • Surcharges, taxes & tariffs
  • Consumption review
  • Demand reading errors

The list above represents just a few of the most common types of utility billing errors.  Why not put our staff of experienced auditors to work for your company.  URS, Inc.  is devoted to providing our clients with superior cost reduction solutions and
services, all on a contingency fee basis.

Electric & Gas Utility Auditing

Using our proprietary software, our team of veteran professionals know the particulars of every major utility company throughout the country. Our audit will include a comprehensive review of all of your electric and gas bills. Just some of the many areas we verify are:

Invoice Accuracy
Billing Structure
Tariffs and Surcharges
Meter Constants
Redundant Billing Charges
Estimated Billings


The electric and gas industry has and continues to undergo changes.  Many states are
debating whether or not to open their energy markets to retail competition, similar to the
deregulation of the telecommunications industry.  Energy deregulation provides consumers
with a choice by allowing them to choose an alternate supplier.  With the ability to choose
your supplier, new opportunities arise.  By evaluating which supplier best meets your needs, URS, Inc. can help your company to save significantly on its energy costs.  However, consumers
must be very careful in analyzing offers being made to them by the various retail suppliers,
marketers, or brokers.  In certain cases we have found consumers actually paying more
with an alternate supplier compared to what they would have paid had they remained with
their local distribution company.

Utility Refund Solutions, Inc. has devoted an entire team of auditors to this
expanding market so as to better assist our clients.  Our deregulation team is constantly in
the market reviewing the pricing options available by retail suppliers.  By reviewing supplier
pricing, tariffs, contract terms, and billing format, we are able to assist our clients in making
a decision so that actual savings will materialize, instead of just promises of lower costs.   
We accomplish this by understanding the energy commodities markets and by having
developed a working relationship with many suppliers, brokers, and marketers.  

We work closely with our clients to understand their energy needs so that a proper supplier
is chosen that best meets their needs, but we are very considerate of client’s time and
involvement.  Before making our presentation to our clients we will have already requested
competitive bids, reviewed contract terms, analyzed tariffs, and performed a load profile
analysis.  We remain in contact with our clients and periodically request copies of supplier
invoices to make sure that proper pricing continues accordingly.


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