When it comes to telephone bills, there's no such thing as small talk. As telephone fees keep changing, the bills keep getting longer and more confusing. These days, figuring out your telephone bill is almost as hard as trying to complete your taxes. Wouldn't it be nice if you could hire an accountant to do it for you? Well now you can!
Utility Refund Solutions reviews all voice and data telecommunication expenses for cost efficiency. We itemize all services and fees:
How and why the service is being used, is the service cost effective, are there more cost effective services to replace it, are costs correct?
We evaluate alternative services to determine which is most cost effective
Use DID trunks to replace POTS line to create savings, T-1 provisioned with DID service can reduce costs, Will eliminate any erroneous charges, etc
Utility Refund Solutions, Inc. are experts in electric and gas utillity auditing. We work on a contingency basis. No results...no fee ! It is a win-win situation !