URS obtains refunds and credits from the following areas:.
. Service order charges
. Installation charges
. Monthly access line charges
. Message unit charges
. Toll charges
. Local exchange carrier's discount packages
. Operator surcharges and rates
. 800 service charge
. Video telecommunication systems
. WATS charges
. Off-premise extensions
. Incorrectly charged local directory
assistance charges
. Incorrectly charged state and federal taxes
. Usage charges
. Virtual network
. Long distance directory assistance charges
. Tariff elements that make up the monthly line
. Key systems
. Centrex
. PBX's
. ACD's
. Cellular services.
Other Services Offered by URS Include:
Long Distance
Bundled Services
Toll Free
Calling Cards
Dial Around
Conference Calling
Voice Messaging
Paging Service
I-Net Technology

Telecommunication Auditing
Telecom costs rank as one of the highest expenses a company has. Many of
these bills are overlooked and just paid each month, unknowingly costing
the company thousands of dollars over time. In fact, each year, millions
of dollars go unclaimed.
At Utility Refund Solutions Inc., we analyze bills, breakdown the detail
codes and, in most cases, get a refund. We work directly with each
carrier on your behalf. There is no effort on your part and no risk. You
can only benefit from working with us.
Our analysis includes such areas as:
. Centrex Fees
. Off-premise extensions
. Duplicate service billing
. Billing of non-requested services
. Taxes, surcharges, and discounts
. Local, long distance, and regional
usage fees
. Toll-free service
. Unused data circuits and services
Along with your audit, we'll present you with an analysis of your
current telecommunication needs. We'll show you the most cost-effective
plan to meet your requirements. Going forward, we can show you how to
save money with or without switching carriers.
Telecommunications Consulting
Telecommunications Consulting specializes in providing objective insights
into specific aspects of telecommunication markets in order to give
recommendations based upon those trends. URS provides reports to further
advise our clients in market opportunities, updates in technology, etc. in
accordance to how the market looks today.
Telecommunications Consultants are people who by training, education,
and/or experience are more than competent in their field. At URS, you can
feel confident that as a client you are receiving the most up-to-date
recommendation we can offer. To us, you are not just a customer or
client, you are a valuable asset to our company as well. As a client, your
interests are our interests.